grow faster with Vich Design Studio

best dubai seo services

How it works?

Who we are?

Welcome to Vich Design Studio; We are a SEO Company in Dubai & Abu Dhabi, created by professional marketers and stablished SEO freelancers.

We decided to step into different online businesses by mastering successfully the power of Digital Marketing for years and now we are here to provide the best SEO freelance services helping new small businesses worldwide!

What is SEO?

The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves enhancing a website’s visibility, authority, and user experience, so when people search for your product or service, we have optimized your site already to become the best match to that query and appear in the first results and fish tons of qualified leads!

– The better visibility your pages have in search results, the more likely you are to get the attention and attract prospective and qualified leads to boost your revenue organically.

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what our seo agency will do for you?


Keyword Research
Our keyword research goes beyond mere rankings, aiming to understand user intent and aligning your content with what your target audience is actively searching for.


Off-Page SEO
Building a robust online presence extends beyond your website. Our off-page SEO services focus on creating quality backlinks, social signals, and other external factors that contribute to your website’s authority and credibility.


On-Page SEO
Our meticulous on-page optimization strategies ensure that every element of your website architecture aligns with search engine algorithms. From content optimization to meta tags and user experience enhancements, we leave no stone unturned in maximizing on-page SEO.


Technical SEO
The backbone of a well-optimized website lies in its technical foundation. Our SEO experts conduct a thorough technical audit to identify and rectify issues affecting your site’s performance, ensuring it meets search engine standards.


Technical SEO
The backbone of a well-optimized website lies in its technical foundation. Our SEO experts conduct a thorough technical audit to identify and rectify issues affecting your site’s performance, ensuring it meets search engine standards.

why picking Our SEO Agency?

Our Fast Streamlined, bureaucracy-free approach
We deliver fast and tangible results without the delays or inflated fees of traditional a SEO agency in Dubai.
Pay-for-performance model with Friendly-fees for New Entrepreneurs
you only pay when we meet your goals.
here Our mission is elevating the new small businesses SEO globally and their revenue, to top search positions organically in record time at.
Under six months promise
we can elevate your business to the top of Google’s search results, all organically from 3 to 6 months depending on your competition
We’re not just optimizing; we’re propelling your website towards sustained success.
Quality Traffic
It’s not just about quantity; it’s about attracting the right audience. Our SEO services focus on bringing in relevant customers who are actively searching for products or services you offer.
Hire top SEO freelance services for your project
This SEO agency was created by a group of experienced marketers from top agencies in the past.
You don’t need to hire the full agency team, you can hire your favorite freelance, and be charged accordingly
Increased Visibility
Watch your keyword rankings soar as we optimize your website for enhanced visibility. We target the right keywords to ensure your brand is prominently featured where it matters most.
be at the top without expensive agency fees

born when tons of new entrepreneurs were taken to the top!

We did it successfully in record time for small entrepreneurs, then we did it for ambitious projects in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and then we did it for global companies in Uk, Spain, Latam and beyond.. are you the next?


Why SEO is the best alternative for any website and bussiness?

SEO offers sustainable long-term benefits at a lower cost, improving organic reach and credibility without the ongoing expenses associated with PPC

Why is SEO crucial for businesses?

Small businesses focus on SEO as it provides a cost-effective and efficient means to generate relevant traffic and revenue growth.


Invest in yourself
& your business


$270 / month

  • Keyword research
  • 1 advertisement group
  • Monthly optimisation
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$400 / month

  • Keyword research
  • 3 advertisements group
  • Weekly optimisation
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TBD *Contact

  • Keyword research
  • Unlimited advertisement group
  • Daily optimisation
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Are you ready to witness remarkable growth in SEO traffic, increased visibility, and quality leads? Partner with Vich Design Studio for tailor-made SEO solutions. Contact us today to kickstart your journey towards SEO success.